Are you a medical doctor looking for a challenging career path in a pharmaceutical company? Would you like to work amongst highly qualified and ambitious teams in a global setting? Then this is your unique opportunity to apply for a position with three job rotations where you can use your medical and scientific knowledge to create better treatments and care for people around the world.

A career opportunity for MDs with 2-5 years' experience 

Introducing medical doctors with 2-5 years of clinical experience to core medical functions in Novo Nordisk, the programme offers five ambitious participants a flying start to careers in the company. The programme starts each year in September.

Applications for the PMP programme open at the beginning of February each year. If you would like to stay up to date with our current job offerings, sign-up to our job-agent here.

Anne Ersbøll, Kristiane Aasen Engebretsen and Joakim Isendahl are recent graduates from the PMP Programme.

The PMP programme offers medical doctors the opportunity to develop both professional and personal skills. You will represent Novo Nordisk at international medical congresses, participate in courses within the three sponsoring areas Global Safety, Global Medical Affairs and Clinical Drug Development, visit regional and country offices and have exclusive opportunities to learn from high-level professionals in the organisation. The programme has a designated focus on developing your personal and transferrable skills through e.g. feedback exercises, communication training and facilitation of mentorship arrangements. Last, the PMP team is a unique social and professional forum through which you can discover Novo Nordisk together with your PMP peers. 

“As a PMP, I feel that am contributing to improving patient care on a larger scale. Although my perspective has changed, my essence as a clinician remains untouched.”

Cristiana Freixo, PMP alumni, Clinical Drug Development

As a PMP, you will receive support and mentoring from the PMP manager, who is responsible for your development throughout your time on the programme. You will also have a manager in each host department, who is responsible for your development in each rotation. 

The programme aims to educate you within applied clinical drug development, the workings of the pharmaceutical industry and to prepare you for a career within the company. This is primarily achieved through assuming responsibilities in your host department, and through a generous training programme.

On successful completion of the programme, together with the PMP manager you will identify a suitable permanent position, within one of the programme's three sponsor areas, tailored to your interests and company needs.

Novo Nordisk is a leading healthcare company with the ambition to improve the lives of millions of people living with serious chronic diseases around the world. We spend a large percentage of our annual turnover on research and development (R&D), which is one of the reasons why our product pipeline is second to none.

When speaking of biopharmaceuticals we have a leading position within the therapeutic areas of haemostasis management, growth hormone therapy and hormone replacement therapy. We also have a strong research portfolio within obesity.

Novo Nordisk has more than 45,000 employees in 80 countries. Our employees are driven by the common goal of making a difference to patients, healthcare professionals and society. Each and every employee at Novo Nordisk knows that their contribution helps make this difference. Our ethical culture, high standards and commitment to being socially and environmentally responsible attracts a certain type of employee who is ready to change lives for the better.

In Clinical Drug Development, we as medical doctors are responsible for providing medical and scientific input to the clinical trials that are being run in our department.

First of all, we are involved in the preparation phase of trials, where we give input to the protocol outline which is a detailed summary of the rationale, objectives and overall design of the trial. We are also involved in the trial execution phase, where we present and share knowledge with doctors and nurses from various international sites where the trials are conducted, provide input regarding trial adherence, and answer any questions the sites may have regarding trial-related medical and safety issues. Upon completion of the trial, we add medical input towards analysis of results and drafting of conclusions.

At the trial initiation and finalisation phase, we provide medical input to health authorities in order for them to either approve the trial design or to approve our products for sale and marketing, respectively. On the side, we are involved in a wide range of academic and scientific settings where we interact with medical experts, and we provide internal input (within the company) regarding the design of clinical trials to be conducted in the development phase of a new product.

In Global Medical Affairs, we as medical doctors are responsible for scientific communication, both internally in the company and to the scientific and medical communities. 

We provide medical education and guidance by developing online learning tools and preparing presentations for visiting physicians, affiliates, product launch presentations, and internal audiences.

We focus on communicating scientific data clearly and on creating slide decks and presentations. Furthermore, we host advisory board meetings where scientific and clinical leaders provide input to Novo Nordisk’s clinical development programs and products. We also host investigator meetings, where we interact with external healthcare professionals that run our trials at sites around the world, results meetings where trial results are presented.

Another focus area for Global Medical Affairs is planning Novo Nordisk’s presence at congresses and symposia (e.g. American Diabetes Association and Global Diabetes Summit). Finally, we provide guidance on investigator sponsored studies and are the main drivers for producing and publishing abstracts, scientific papers and posters at congresses and scientific journals. 

In Global Safety, we contribute to ensuring that Novo Nordisk's products are of high quality and do not put patients at risk. 

Our activities include preparation internal and external reports that collate safety information (e.g. on adverse reactions to drugs) for a specific product. We evaluate data from our clinical development programs and post-marketing surveillance and collaborate with regulatory authorities from across the world to establish and re-evaluate the safety profile of our products. In short, our medical competencies are used to analyse, evaluate and conclude on the drug’s safety profile. 

We meet with colleagues from different departments, e.g. to design protocols for upcoming clinical trials, and to author informed consent forms prior to the initiation of clinical trials. We also attend Investigator Meetings where we inform the investigators participating in our trials about the specifics of the trial prior to its initiation. While the trial is on-going we present and evaluate blinded safety data to colleagues in other departments involved in the trial. We chair the Safety Committee and host Data Monitoring Committee meetings.

We perform monthly literature surveillance and monitor recently published scientific articles regarding competitors and our products. In the market application process, we are involved in answering requests from authorities and preparing for advisory committees (panel of experts convened by authorities) if needed.

In order to qualify for the PMP, you must hold a university degree as a medical doctor. You should have passed post-graduate internship and have 2-5 years of clinical experience.

Documented scientific experience is not a prerequisite, but it is an advantage. The programme offers an introduction to the pharmaceutical industry and the applicant should not have prior industry experience.

You must have practical and analytical skills and be capable of working independently, while at the same time being able to excel in a cross-functional, multi-disciplinary team. Moreover, you should be prepared to travel and work in an international arena.

We expect that you are results-oriented, are good at setting priorities, that you have a broad perspective and an open-mind, and are able to challenge the status quo. Lastly, we expect you to have excellent English skills and be proficient in IT.

For more information please see the FAQ section. If you have specific questions that are not answered on the homepage, please contact the PMP manager Eskil Brandt Kreiner.

February: Applications are now open. Apply here between 1 February - 3 March, 2024

March: Successful candidates are invited to post a video to present themselves. Unsuccessful candidates are informed via e-mail.

April: Successful candidates will be contacted for a 30-minute phone interview. Final, full-length interviews will take place with a subset of candidates.

Early May: Final decision is communicated.

September:  Programme starts 1 September.

Novo Nordisk is an international company and welcomes international applicants for the PMP programme.  English is the official company language. It is not a requirement to speak Danish, but there will be opportunities to learn the language. Novo Nordisk will provide relocation aid and support to new international employees and their family. Over the years candidates from China, Australia, Portugal, UK, Italy, Germany, Poland, Albania, Sweden and Denmark have been accepted into the programme. 

You will need to submit with your application a copy of your academic certificates in English.

"The PMP has provided international doctors like me with a unique opportunity to develop core skills and a professional network in the pharmaceutical sector. I really value the structure and social aspects of the program, which nicely complement the joys of living in a city like Copenhagen."

Kevin Tan (Australia),

PMP 1st rotation, Global Development, Team 2020

Our Pharmaceutical Medicine Programme has proven to be the perfect springboard to fulfilling, life-changing careers.

The opportunities created due to the job rotations in our international environment provide you with a rapid growth in experience, the creation of huge networks across the organisation and an increased level of exposure to top management.

Together with the intensive professional and personal training available during the programme, this places you in a strong position to go on to be a key person within our organisation after successfully completing the pharmaceutical medicine programme.

And here's the proof! Read the stories below to discover how the ex-participants in our Pharmaceutical Medicine Programme have moved onwards and upwards within the organisation. You can also meet the PMP’s currently enrolled in the programme, and get some key insights into the life as an MD in the pharmaceutical industry.

The PMP team 2020 included Björg, Cristiana, Kevin and Tanvir.

Björg graduated from University of Copenhagen in 2013. Following her medical internships, she gained clinical and research experience within diabetes and pregnancy and defended her PhD in 2021. Björg started the program in Global Safety working with GLP-1 for the diabetes indication. She went on to work with developing a novel insulin in both Global Medical Affairs and Medical & Science. After graduating from the PMP, she resumed her work with novel insulins in Global Medical Affairs.

Cristiana graduated in 2013 from Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. Before joining Novo Nordisk Cristiana completed her Clinical Pharmacology residency, receiving her board-certification in 2019 at Hospital de Santa Maria, Lisbon, Portugal. Cristiana did her first rotation in Global Medical Affairs NASH, after which she worked with a cholesterol lowering agent both in Global Safety and the Other Serious Chronic Diseases department in Medical & Science. After finishing the program, she continued her work in the Medical & Science team.

Kevin graduated with his medical degree from the University of Melbourne in 2011. Before joining Novo Nordisk, he undertook specialist training in radiation oncology, did an MPH at the University of Sydney and a MSc at Copenhagen Business School. Kevin started the PMP program as medical manager in the Medical & Science Obesity team. He continued in the obesity field in his ensuing rotations in Global Safety and Global Medical Affairs. After the program, Kevin took up a permanent position in Global Medical Affairs NASH.

Tanvir holds a medical degree from Copenhagen University (2014) and defended his PhD within the field of spine surgery at Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, in 2020. In his first PMP program rotation in Global Medical Affairs, Tanvir worked with one of Novo Nordisk’s GLP-1 receptor agonists for diabetes treatment. He then went on to work with developing a once-weekly basal insulin treatment in Medical & Science and Global Safety. Upon program completion, Tanvir went back to the Medical & Science team in Diabetes.

The PMP team 2019 included Frederik, Anne, Brian, Joakim and Lærke.

Frederik graduated from Medical School at the University of Copenhagen in 2016 and obtained his PhD in spinal surgery in 2018, before joining Novo Nordisk and the PMP in 2019. During his rotations, Frederik worked with obesity in Global Medical Affairs, diabetes in Medical & Science and insulins in Global Safety. After completing the PMP program, Frederik took up a position as Medical Manager in the Danish Novo Nordisk Affiliate (Novo Nordisk Denmark), with responsibility for ‘New Therapy Areas’ (NASH, CVD & Alzheimer’s disease).

Anne graduated from University of Copenhagen in 2008 and obtained her PhD degree from Centre for Pregnancy and Heart Disease, Rigshospitalet and University of Copenhagen in 2018. During her PMP rotations, Anne worked with diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s disease and cardiovascular diseases. After completing the PMP programme, she joined the Cardiovascular Diseases team in Global Medical Affairs.

Brian graduated from the University of Southern Denmark in 2014 and obtained his PhD in medical and molecular imaging from the University of Copenhagen at the Department of Radiology at Rigshospitalet. His PMP programme started in Global Medical Affairs working with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis before moving to Safety Surveillance Biopharm, GLP-1 Diabetes and Devices. In his final position in Medical & Science, Brian worked with lipid-lowering drug development before growing his roots in the GLP-1 Diabetes team where he got his permanent position as Senior International Medical Manager.

Joakim graduated from Lund University in Lund, Sweden in 2015 and did his post-graduate clinical rotations at Skåne University Hospital in Malmö, Sweden. In 2018, he defended his PhD thesis at Karolinska institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, on the epidemiology of antibiotic resistant gut bacteria in Guinea-Bissau and Sweden. During the PMP program, Joakim worked with various diseases and products in the Novo Nordisk portfolio before landing a final position in Global Safety. Joakim is also manager for the current PMP team.

Lærke graduated as a medical doctor from the University of Copenhagen in 2012 and went on to practise medicine. In 2019, she defended her PhD thesis in the field of cardiovascular epidemiology before joining Novo Nordisk. After working mainly with growth hormones and sickle cell disease in Safety Surveillance, Lærke supported post-marketing activities for a once-daily basal insulin in Global Medical Affairs. After working on an early-phase project and developing potential future clinical studies on a treatment for NASH in Medical & Science, Lærke took up a final position within Medical & Science Obesity.

The PMP team 2018 included Peter, Sascha, Kristiane and Rasmus.

Peter obtained his medical degree from Aarhus University in 2013 and his PhD from University of Copenhagen at the Department of Cardiology at Rigshospitalet in 2017.  During his rotations Peter worked with NASH, Diabetes and Obesity. After the PMP Peter got his permanent position in Global Medical Affairs in the obesity area.

Sascha obtained her medical degree at University of Copenhagen in 2009 and a PhD from Aarhus University and Steno Diabetes Centre Copenhagen in 2018. Sascha had her rotations in the insulin, devices and biopharma area as well as on the Cardiovascular and Outcomes area. She joined Safety Surveillance Semaglutide, diabetes, Cardiovascular and outcomes area in a permanent position after completing the PMP.

Before joining Novo Nordisk, Kristiane obtained her medical degree from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in 2012 and her PhD from Copenhagen University/Department of Dermatology and Allergy, Herlev and Gentofte Hospital in 2018. Kristiane had her rotations within the diabetes and obesity areas, After the PMP, Kristiane got a permanent position in Medical & Science, Metabolism & Obesity, NASH. 

Rasmus obtained his medical degree from Copenhagen University in 2011 and his PhD degree from Copenhagen University and the Department of Hematology, Rigshospitalet. During the PMP program Rasmus worked with obesity in Global Medical Affairs and diabetes in Medical & Science. Rasmus quit the program during his second rotation, went back to practise clinical medicine for one year before returning to Novo Nordisk to work with semaglutide for obesity in Global Medical Affairs.

The PMP team 2017 included, Marie, Marco, Olivia, Carsten and Taulant.

Marie graduated from Medical School at the University of Aarhus in 2010. Marie completed her clinical basic education, finalised her PhD within cardiology and worked one year as a project manager on a Danica sponsored development project before joining the programme. Upon completion of the programme, Marie joined the Semaglutide team in Medical and Science as Senior International Medical Manager.

Marco graduated from Medical School at the University of Copenhagen in 2014. He completed his clinical basic education and finalized his PhD entitled ‘Biomarkers of Necrotising Soft Tissue Infections’ before joining the programme. Upon completion of the programme, Marco chose to pursue a career outside Novo Nordisk.

Olivia graduated from medical school at University of Copenhagen in 2012. She has worked within general practice, surgery and internal medicine and holds a PhD within Neurology and Neuroscience focusing on fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis. In the PMP program she worked with diabetes, NASH and obesity. She extended her PMP time with two maternity leaves and after completing the program in the spring 2021, she took up a position within the obesity field in Medical & Science.

Carsten and Taulant both chose to pursue a career outside of Novo Nordisk, without completing the programme. Taulant returned to academia and Carsten returned to work in the clinic.

The PMP team 2016 included Mikkel, Eskil, Azadeh, Joshua and Pam

Mikkel joined the PMP after completing his clinical internship and a PhD wherein he characterised a novel peptide system in the gut and brain.

Upon completion of the programme, Mikkel joined the Semaglutide Obesity team in Global Medical Affairs as a Global Medical Manager. Mikkel is now working in another pharmaceutical company.

Eskil graduated from Medical School at the University of Copenhagen in 2010 after which he completed his internships and conducted research within genetics, immune mediated diseases and growth. Eskil completed a MSc within epidemiology and a PhD before joining the programme. Upon completion he took up a position as International Medical Manager in Medical and Science. He has now been promoted to Senior International Medical Manager.

Azadeh graduated from medical school in Odense in 2009 and completed her PhD within the field of intrauterine programming from Copenhagen University and Rigshospitalet, Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Dept. of Endocrinology in 2017. She worked mainly with GLP-1 receptor agonists during her PMP rotations, went on maternity leave, and upon completion of the program took up a position in Medical & Science within the field of obesity.

Joshua and Pam both chose to pursue a career outside of Novo Nordisk, without completing the programme. Pam has returned to work in the clinic.